Homeschooling could be an option for parents of NLD children to consider for a variety of reasons. It may be a temporary solution while a long-term program is being developed, used in conjunction with a traditional educational program, or for an extended period of time. It's a very individual decision, based on many factors. We hope the information contained in these articles and web sites will help you decide if this is the right approach for you and your NLD student.
Homeschooling and the Child with NLD
Author - Sue Thompson, MA, CET
Summary - This article provides parents with basic information about homeschooling, and when it may be an appropriate option. The author includes three scenarios which, sadly, will strike a chord with many parents of NLD youngsters. There are a list of "do's and don'ts" when considering homeschooling, as well as an excellent list of resources.
Size - 45K, approx. 25 pages
An Introduction to Homeschooling Author - Lillian Jones
Summary - The author of this article approaches the issue of homeschooling in a very reader-friendly manner. She explains the various situations in which homeschooling may be appropriate, and takes the fear out of the concept. A nice article for parents whose blood runs cold at the prospect of homeschooling their youngster.
Size - 16K, approx. 7 pages
Homeschooling Author - Patricia M. Lines
Summary - This article covers several relevant homeschooling topics, such as: what homeschooling is, the legal rights of parents, and college admissions for homeschooled students. An excellent overview for parents considering this educational option.
Size - 15K, approx. 6 pages
Homeschooling Resources for Parents and Students Author - Patricia M. Lines
Summary - This is a resource listing of educational materials for parents who teach their children at home. Many of the journals, newsletters, books, and electronic sources listed here are available through libraries, public schools, government agencies, non-profit institutions, and on-line services.
Size - 18K, approx. 8 pages
Homeschooling and Socialization Author - Nola Kortner Aiex
Summary - This article offers some background information on homeschooling, and addresses conflicting viewpoints culled from research on the socialization of homeschooled children.
Size - 17K, approx. 7 pages
Homeschooling Gifted Students: An Introductory Guide for Parents Author - Jacque Ensign
Summary - This article was selected based on the issues it addresses, which are not limited simply to gifted students, but are equally applicable to the NLD population. The author covers many points that are pertinent to any parent considering homeschooling. You will find her comments on topics such as academic and social considerations as meaningful as those on curriculum and planning for college.
Size - 23K, approx. 9 pages
Scholastic Achievement and Demographic Characteristics of Home School Children in 1998 Author - Lawrence M. Rudner, PhD
Summary - This report presents the results of the largest survey and testing program for students in home schools to date (Spring 1998). Among the many findings was the fact that achievement test scores of this group of home school students were exceptionally high. Because it was not a controlled experiment, the study does not demonstrate that home schooling is superior to public or private schools under all conditions, but clearly suggests that home school students may do quite well in that educational environment.
Size - 416K, approx. 36 pages
Homeschooling Information & Resource Guide Summary - This incredibly comprehensive document is published by Home Education Magazine. It includes everything from articles related to homeschooling, to recommended resources, to where to find learning materials. It can be viewed and printed from Home Education Magazine's web site using Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, or a free hard copy can be obtained by completing an online order form.
Links to Homeschooling Web Sites:
The Calvert School has been involved in distance schooling, or homeschooling, since 1906. They provide total curriculum packages for K-8th grade, along with considerable support. For those wishing to pursue high school, there is a section that provides guidance on secondary education. A very reputable organization, and an excellent site for parents considering homeschooling their child.
This very comprehensive web site will be a homeschool parent's favorite place. There are terrific resources, including an on-line newsletter, events calendar, online support group, and a great section on frequently asked questions about homeschooling.
Home School Legal Defense Association
You'll find the section on the state laws regarding homeschooling very informative, as well as the state listings of homeschooling organizations. This site provides excellent information on the legal issues surrounding the option to homeschool.
Links to Homeschooling Resources:
Canadian Home Based Learning Resource PageSubscription information for the Canadian Homeschool Mail List, and lists of books, catalogs, and other resource of interest to Canadian home
An extensive listing of books of interest to homeschoolers.
Homeschooling Message Boards on the Web
Links to dozens of homeschooling message boards, mail lists, and chat groups available on the web.
Homeschooling Resources (Teacher Resource Materials Homeschooling Resources)
An extensive listing of links to a wide range of homeschooling resources.
Links to several types of resources, including a homeschool "shopping mall", and a list of colleges that welcome homeschool graduates.