On-Line Articles about Homeschooling
"An A for Home Schooling"
- URL: http://www.city-journal.org/html/10_3_an_a_for_home.html
A well researched article by Brian C. Anderson for a weekly newspaper. Many interesting quotations, facts, and figures. - EPAA Vol. 7 No. 8 Rudner: Home School Students, 1998
- URL: http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v7n8/
The latest and best comprehensive study, including standardized test scores, of a large sample of homeschooled students, by an educational researcher who is not himself a homeschooler. Extremely interesting recent information about family backgrounds, spending, and academic achievement of the homeschoolers in the sample. - EPAA Vol. 7 No. 13 Welner & Welner: Contextualizing Homeschooling Data: A Response to Rudner
- URL: http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v7n13.html
Thoughtful critique of the recent Rudner study mentioned above. Definitely worth a look for some reasons the Rudner study sample may not have been representative of homeschoolers in general. - HOMESCHOOLING: Back to the Future?
- Interesting article by Isabel Lyman from the Cato Institute, the Libertarian think tank.
- Home Schooling a Growing Trend
- Florida newspaper article with sidebars with good information about homeschooling in Florida.
- "Singing the Praises of Home-Schooling"
- Part of a January 29, 1999 San Francisco Chronicle special report on homeschooling in northern California.
Homeschooling in the News
- URI: http://www.geocities.com/mmoy/hsitn.html
Michael Moy uses sophisticated computer technology to track almost any mention of homeschooling in an on-line press article. Now he has a section of his Web site with an archive of his famous series of "Homeschooling in the News" links to on-line articles about homeschooling.
Print Articles about Homeschooling
- "No Place Like the Library: Making Homeschoolers Feel at Home"
- by David Brostrom [spelled "Brostrum" in the article], School Library Journal volume 43, number 3 (March 1997), pages 106-109; resource guide. Article by public librarian, a parent but not a homeschooling parent, whose research focuses on the interaction between homeschoolers and public libraries. KMBseen_HCO
- "Love, a Big Table, and a Library Card: What It Takes to Succeed in the Fastest Growing Educational Movement in the U.S. (Teach Your Own)"
- by N. S. Gill, Minnesota Parent volume 12, number 120 (January 1997), pages 10-12, 14, 16; resource guide. Article by homeschooling parent in Minnesota, an avid writer. KMBowns
- "Appendix B: Homeschooling"
- in Victoria Moran, Shelter for the Spirit: How to Make Your Home a Haven in a Hectic World (New York: HarperCollins, 1997) (ISBN 0-06-017415-3), pages 187-97. Chapter in book about restoring home life. Includes resource guide with particularly good coverage of unschooling resources.
- "School's Out Forever (Home Schools)"
- by Laura Sinagra, City Pages volume 18, number 825 (September 25, 1996), pages 14-17, 19; photographs. Personal profiles of several Minnesota homeschooling families, including my family. KMBowns
- "Staying Home from School,"
- by Lynn Schnaiberg, Education Week volume XV, number 38 (June 12, 1996), pages 24-33; photographs. New article showing some of the diversity of today's homeschoolers, with extensive discussion of most of the educational issues posed by homeschooling. KMBowns
- "More Families Are Finding the Best Education Right in Their Own Homes,"
- by Maureen M. Smith, Star Tribune: Newspaper of the Twin Cities April 26, 1996, pages B1 and B10. Overview of growth and changing nature of homeschooling in Minnesota, with reference to official state statistics and national estimates. Included report that eleventh annual conference of Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators would begin that day at the St. Paul Civic Center, profile of a homeschooling family, and interview with the Web master of the Learn in Freedom! TM site, Karl M. Bunday. KMBowns
- "In Home Schooling, a New Type of Student; Older Students Become a Trend,"
- by Tamar Lewis, New York Times November 29, 1995 volume 145, page B8 (national edition), page D20 (local edition). Review of growth in homeschooling, with profile of a high-school-age homeschooled girl. Localized editions of this article reprinted in other newspapers around the country often cited statistics about the growth in homeschooling and about the age distribution among homeschooled children.
- "Homeschooling"
- in Larry Burkett, Women Leaving the Workplace: How to Make the Transition from Work to Home (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1995) (ISBN 0-8024-9161-8), pages 217-37. Chapter about growth of homeschooling, especially emphasizing its economic and spiritual aspects for families. Includes resource guide with particularly good coverage of Christian statewide support groups. Favorite quotation: author's confession that "Twenty-five years ago, when I first heard of the homeschooling movement, I thought it had to be some kind of weird cult."
- "Government Regulation of Home Schooling and Other Private Schooling,"
- by Michael Stokes Paulsen, in The religion clauses of the First Amendment: A Practitioner's Guide to a Changing Landscape([Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Law School, 1995). ("University of Minnesota Law School, sixteenth annual summer program of continuing legal education seminars, May 30-June 9, 1995.") Part of a 450- page continuing legal education guidebook by one of America's leading young constitutional law scholars. OCLC
- "Creating the Christian Home: Home Schooling in Contemporary America"
- Colleen McDannell, in American Sacred Space (Bloomington, IN: Indiana U Press, 1995). OCLC
- "On-Line School for Home Learners,"
- by Joanne Natale, The American School Board Journal volume 182 (July 1995), pages 34-36, excerpted in Education Digest volume 61 number 4 (December 1995), pages 36-38.
- "Home-School Kids in Public-School Activities,"
- by Diane Brockett, School Board News volume 15 (July 25, 1995), page 5, excerpted in Education Digest volume 61 number 3 (November 1995), pages 67-69.
- "Staying Close to Home,"
- by M. P. Dunleavy, Publisher's Weekly July 17, 1995 volume 242 number 29, pages 142-144. Overview of homeschooling and how homeschoolers are becoming a major market segment for publishers, with tips on how to market publications to homeschoolers. Favorite quotation, from Debra Bell of the Home School Resource Center: "Homeschooling is the face of American education in the future."
- "Home Schooling Grows Up: Teaching at Home Moves to the Cutting Edge of Education,"
- by John W. Kennedy, Christianity Today July 17, 1995 volume 39 number 8, page 50. General overview of homeschooling, noting the growth in the number of homeschooled children in the United States to more than one million in recent years.
- "An Educated Collection for Homeschoolers,"
- by Pamela R. Klipsch, Library Journal volume 120 number 2 (February 1, 1995), pages 47-. Article in Library Journal's Collection Development series with list of almost forty titles on homeschooling. The article includes a summary of reasons that homeschooling has grown over the past decade, and an extensive resource list. Because of the rapid increase in the number of new, good books about homeschooling, this useful article from 1995 is already becoming obsolescent. The Learn in Freedom! TM bibliography series posted on the World Wide Web is intended to be a continually updated resource for librarians all over the world, precisely to address that felicitous problem. KMBseen_MPI
- "Home Sweet School"
- Time October 31, 1994
- "The Dawn of Online Homeschooling,"
- by LynNell Hancock with Rob French, Newsweek October 10, 1994, page 67. Examples of homeschoolers using on-line technology to enhance their learning. KMBseen_HCO
- "Home Schooling: Is It a Healthy Alternative to Public Education?"
- by Charles S. Clark CQ Researcher volume 4, September 9, 1994, pages 769-792. Main article and various sidebars (including one by Larry Kaseman) reviewing pros and cons of homeschooling.
- "Teaching Children at Home,"
- by Francesca L. Kritz, Good Housekeeping August 1994 volume 219, number 2, page 167. KMBseen_HCO
- "Classless society: home schooling (American Survey)"
- The Economist volume 331, June 11, 1994 page A24, illustrated. Overview of the growth of homeschooling in the United States, with an interview with a lawyer from the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). KMBseen_HCO
- "In a Class of Their Own: Education: For Exceptionally Gifted Children, the Best School Can Be the One at Home,"
- by Barbara Kantrowicz with Debra Rosenberg, Newsweek January 10, 1994, page 58. Profiles of gifted homeschoolers and overview of reasons more parents of gifted children are turning to homeschooling. KMBseen_HCO
- "The Ultimate School Choice: No School at All,"
- by David C. Churbuck, Forbes October 11, 1993 volume 152, page 144; illustrations. Acclaimed by one homeschooling mother as the article that finally helped her parents understand why she was homeschooling.
- "Better off at home?,"
- by Isabel Lyman, National Review September 20, 1993, pages 62-63. Good overview of the origins of and rationale for the modern homeschooling movement, and how homeschooling fits among other issues about the education system. KMBseen_MPI
- "The Economics of Teaching Your Kids at Home,"
- by Kristin Davis and Kim Quillen, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine volume 47, number 7 (July 1993), page 30. Interesting brief article about homeschooling that concludes, "The investment in time and money usually pays off" for homeschooling parents, in terms of academic achievement for their children. KMBseen_MPI
- "How to Get an Education at Home,"
- by Pat Farenga, in John Taylor Gatto, The Exhausted School: The First National Grassroots Speakout on the Right to School Choice (New York: Oxford Village Press, 1993) (ISBN 0-945700-02-4 [pbk.]).
- "Understanding Home Schooling,"
- by Jo Anne Natale, The American School Board Journal volume 178 (September 1992), pages 26-29, excerpted in Education Digest volume 58 number 7 (March 1993) pages 58-61.
- "Home schooling (Research Spotlight),"
- by Terrence N. Tice in Education Digest volume 58, October 1992, page 37. Overview of parental involvement in homeschooling and implications homeschooling has for education reform.
- "Homeschooling,"
- in Alternatives in Education, Mark and Helen Hegener, editors (Tonasket, WA: Home Education Press, revised 4th printing 1992) (ISBN 0-945097-15-8).
- "Home Sweet Home: Is It the Classroom for You?"
- in Elaine McEwan, Schooling Options: Choosing the Best for You & Your Child (Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw Publishers, 1991) (ISBN 0-87788-753-5).
- "Home Schoolers: A Forgotten Clientele?"
- by ?? Avner, School Library Journal July 1989, page 29. An early article that noted the avid library use characteristic of most homeschoolers.
- "Reactions to the Home School Research: Dialogues with Practitioners,"
- by ?? Charvoz, Education and Urban Society volume 21, page 85 (1988).
- "Parent-centered Education,"
- by ?? Baker, 3 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy volume 3, page 535 (1988). Excellent examination of how regulations of education that assume classroom instruction as the paradigm can result in regulations inappropriate for homeschooling. Includes an interesting Appendix, by David Quine and ?? Marek, "Reasoning Abilities of Home-Educated Children," at page 562, which examines science reasoning ability of homeschoolers according to the Piagetian construct and finds that the homeschoolers are quite advanced for their age.
- "Home School Education,"
- by Gregg Harris, in Schooling Choices, H. Wayne House, editor (Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1988) (ISBN 0-88070-162-5 [pbk.]).
- "Home Schooling . . . a Growing Movement,"
- by ?? Common and ?? MacMullen, Education Canada volume ??, page 4 (1986).
- "Home Schooling: Why and How They Are Doing It,"
- by ?? Curry, New Horizons (1985).
- "Is Educating Your Own Child a Crime?"
- by Stephen Arons, Saturday Review November 25, 1978, page 16. Commentary on cases of parents being prosecuted for homeschooling, by a legal scholar who devotes most of his research to issues of pluralism in education.
[Selected Articles on Homeschooling bibliography last revision 2 September 2000]
Comments from anyone and everyone about additions to, corrections for, or improvements to this list are most welcome. My special thanks to friends on the Prodigy and CompuServe computer networks for news about recent magazines and articles. And thanks to the publishers who sent review copies of some of the magazines listed above. Authors or publishers who wish to take that measure to ensure this bibliography and others posted at this site remain accurate and up-to-date may contact me by E-mail or, better still, send magazines, books, and other materials to the postal address below.
![[mailto link]](http://learninfreedom.org/mailto.gif)
Karl M. Bunday
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Please write with your comments, especially with names of other magazines and articles about homeschooling! I really appreciate your comments. All E-mail to the Web master with a valid return address receives an immediate, automated reply with answers to the questions readers have most frequently asked me about this site. Please note that my E-mail address in the link on this page is protected against robots collecting addresses for junk E-mailers by adding the characters "%20" before the actual E-mail address in all my E-mail links. You can simply remove those characters from the beginning of the address line on your E-mail program if they appear on the address line, to ensure you send E-mail to the real Web master address for this site. You can usually get fast and helpful answers to specific questions about education policy, homeschooling, or other issues brought up on this site from public discussion groups where many people participate, because "in multitude of counselors there is victory."
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